Temple of the Dot - Wixom Comedy
The Millennial's Guide to Pumpkin Spice - Written and Directed by Sarah Wong
A highlight reel of me as Proteus in UMBC's Department of Theatre production of The Two Gentlemen of Verona by William Shakespeare, adapted and directed by Eve Muson in 2013.
A Very Nice Case - Written and Directed by Tyler Czjakowski
Jonny & Marco Tell You What to Buy - Cheap Pants
When Pitbulls Go Wrong - Written and Directed by Sarah Wong
This scene is from "Fabulous Presto!", a puppet and visual performance spectacle that I helped devise and puppeteer while attending UMBC. I am puppeteering the second "creature" that initially leaves the safety of the box. This scene is called Packing Paper and was conceived and directed by Colette Searls.